Sunset Park Elementary


Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day


Behavior Plan

2023 - 2024 Sunset Park Behavior Plan


At Sunset Park Elementary School, we are active learners who lead by
example in our classroom and our community. We believe in ourselves and are
empowered to reach our potential.

At Sunset Park Elementary we are Safe, Honest, Accountable, Respectful, and Kind. Our
behavior expectations are organized by each of these values and locations. These
expectations are listed at the end of this document. When students meet these
expectations, we recognize their efforts by positively reinforcing their appropriate
behavior with Shark Awards they can then use to win prizes.
If a student struggles to meet behavior expectations, we respond with appropriate
consequences, supports, and by reteaching appropriate behaviors. The next section
details how this occurs and how we define a misbehavior as minor or major.

Sunset Park Behavior Flow

                            • 3 of the same type                       *Office Discipline Referral
Minor          >     • 5 total                          =                *FIT Team Referral
Behavior             • major behavior                              *MTSS Supports

Our approach when students don’t meet behavior expectations is undergirded on the notion of Replace and Reinforce
(R&R). That is, repeated anti-social behavior exhibited by a student usually reveals a regulatory issue. What is a more
prosocial behavior we can help the student adopt to replace the anti-social behavior we need them to stop? Once a
student begins adopting the replacement behavior, we positively reinforce its adoption. R&R may be useful at the
minor level in some cases. Not every major behavior requires an R&R approach. However, if any student is moved into
Tier 2 or above for behavior, or we notice a pattern of minor classroom behaviors, we should utilize an R&R strategy.

SHARK Hallway Expectations

Safe - Walk on the right side.
Honest - Go where you are supposed to go quickly.
Accountable - Get a hall pass or stay with your class.
Respect - Travel quietly and follow all adult directions.
Kind - Help one another and use quiet, polite words.

Monitor students with proximity
Utilize hall passes
Voice Level 1 when speaking

SHARK Cafeteria Expectations

Safe - Stay seated.
Honest - Eat your own food.
Accountable - Clean up after yourself.
Respect - Chew with your mouth closed. Speak with a Level 1-2 voice. Follow adult directions.
Kind - Have appropriate and polite conversations.

Monitor students with proximity
Voice Level 1-2 when speaking
Ensure students clean up tables, floors, and trays.

SHARK Playground Expectations

Safe - Keep body parts to yourself and watch where you are going.
Honest - Take turns and treat others as you would like to be treated.
Accountable - Use equipment correctly and admit mistakes.
Respect - Follow rules, play fairly, and follow adult directions.
Kind - Have appropriate and polite conversations.

Monitor students with proximity
Voice Level 1 when speaking with students
Ensure quiet line when entering and exiting buildings.

SHARK Dismissal Expectations

Safe - Walk on the right side and wait to be dismissed.
Honest - Go immediately to your dismissal location.
Accountable - Arrive at your location. Use a Level 0-1 voice.
Respect - Keep body parts to yourself and use manners. Follow adult directions.
Kind - Have appropriate and polite conversations.

Monitor students with proximity
Voice Level 1 when speaking with students
Stay with grade level students until all are dismissed

SHARK Van Expectations

Safe - Find a seat at your assigned van area to be checked in.
Honest - Go immediately where you are supposed to go.
Accountable - Stay seated quietly and listen for your van to be called.
Respectful - Line up by walking and keeping your hands to yourself. Follow adult directions and requests.
Kind - Exit the building with your fellow van riders.

Monitor students with proximity
Voice Level 1 when speaking with students
Stay with grade level students until all are dismissed

SHARK Car Expectations

Safe - Find a seat at your assigned spot.
Honest - Go where you are supposed to go.
Accountable - Stay seated quietly and listen for your name to be called.
Respectful - Follow all adult directions and keep your body parts to yourself.

Kind - Exit the building when your name is called.

Monitor students with proximity
Voice Level 1 when speaking with students
Stay with grade level students until all are dismissed

SHARK Bus Expectations

Safe - Walk to the bus.
Honest - Get on the correct bus.
Accountable - Stay in your assigned area.
Respectful - Follow all adult directions and keep your body parts to yourself.

Kind - Greet your bus driver.

Monitor students with proximity
Voice Level 1 when speaking with students
Stay with grade level students until all are dismissed

SHARK Walker Expectations

Safe - Walk to the walker area.
Honest - Go with the correct person.
Accountable - Stay seated and listen for your name to be called.
Respectful - Follow all adult directions and keep your body parts to yourself.

Kind - Exit the building and greet your parent/guardian.

Monitor students with proximity
Voice Level 1 when speaking with students
Stay with students until all are dismissed

SHARK Bathroom Expectations

Safe - Walk carefully and stay in your space.
Honest - Take care of your business quickly.
Accountable - Use toilet and sink correctly and wash your hands with soap and water.
Respect - Give others privacy and wait your turn.
Kind - Do the right thing even when no one is looking.

Monitor students with proximity
Voice Level 1 when speaking with students
Check the bathroom before your class leaves