Sunset Park Elementary


Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day


Crisis Plan

Sunset Park Elementary is committed to the safety of all students and staff members. We have established crisis procedures that are followed by staff and students in the event of an emergency at the school site.

Connect 5 calling system will notify all families of a crisis.

We ask that you cooperate in following these procedures if you hear of an emergency at the school.
  1. Be sure that you have updated emergency contact information on file in the office at all times. Update this information any time there is a change in address and/or phone numbers. This is important to do before an emergency happens!
  2. Remember that identification will be required to sign students out of school and you will be required to visit the main office to do so. All visitors are required to check in with the office personnel in the main office upon arrival at the school site. The staff has been directed to approach any individual without a visitor's pass and escort them to the office.
  3. Remain at home or at work to make it easier for officials to contact you if necessary. If the school sends your child home on the bus, it is vitally important that you be there to receive your child.
  4. Do not attempt to go to the school (unless school has been officially dismissed). Access routes and streets need to be clear for emergency vehicles, county personnel vehicles, and/or buses. Traffic congestion will make emergency response much more difficult for police, ambulances, and fire departments to get to the school to deal with the emergency. If it becomes necessary for parents to come to the school to pickup students, official announcements will be made on radio and TV stations listed below.
  5. Do not call your child's school as telephone lines will need to remain open to deal with the emergency. If the phone system is overloaded, it will hinder efforts to provide and receive necessary information.
  6. Any information regarding early school dismissal and/or official emergency information will be communicated through local TV and radio stations-please listen to these stations to keep abreast of information as it becomes available.
    Local Radio Stations
    WMFD-AM (630)

    WHQR (FM (91.3)

    COAST-FM (93.7) WMNX-FM (97.3) WWKOO-FM (98.7)
    WAAV-AM (980) WZFX-FM (99.1) WWQQ-FM (101.3) WGNI-FM (102.7) WSFM SURF-FM (107)

    Local TV Stations

    WWAY-Channel 3 WECT-Channel 6 WWAY-Channel 14 Channel 14 NEWS