Sunset Park Elementary


Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day


School Improvement Plan

For information on the 2024-2025
Sunset Park School Improvement Plan, please visit NC Star.

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School Improvement Team Members

The School Improvement Team here at Sunset Park Elementary is comprised of elected staff 
representatives from each grade level, department and elected parent representatives.
The team meets once a month throughout the school year to discuss school wide issues as they 
pertain to the goals and objectives of our Mission statement and School Improvement Plan.
Decisions are made based on a consensus of the team members.
If you have any issues that you would like to be presented to the School Improvement Team
please feel free to contact of the members below.

Committee Position  Name
Principal Crissie Allen
Assistant Principal  Matilda Scott
Chairperson/AIG Danielle Greer
MTSS Janine Romero
Early Literacy Facilitator Caroline Smithson
Teacher Assistant Representative  
Parent Representative Kay Bosworth
Kindergarten Representative  
1st Grade Representative  
2nd Grade Representative Alyce Martin
3rd Grade Representative Jessica Smith
4th Grade Representative Karen McCall
5th Grade Representative Wendy McNeil
Student Support Representative  
Specialists Representative Kathleen Revell
ML Representative Lacey Greene
EC Representative Crystal Reilly